Mission Mobilizer's Database

This database is an organized collection of all the Mission Mobilization Resources covered in the Brigada-orgs-missionmobilizers email conference from March 1995 through June 1998. As a result, listings do not necessarily represent every possible resource in that category.

  1. General: Lists of Resources (Books, Bible Studies, Children, Individuals, Churches, Events)
  2. Age/Interest Groups (Children, College Students, Servicemen, M.K.'s, Homeschoolers)
  3. ARTS (Music, Drama, Graphics, Poetry)
  4. Church Mobilization (Leadership, Mission Conferences, Strategy, Denomination, STM's)
  5. Conferences (Email, Conventional, Mission Seminar Packages)
  6. Electronic Media (Video, Audio, Web)
  7. Information (Sources Of And Statistics On Various Subjects)
  8. Issues In Missions (Soteriology, Indigenous, Priority, Future, Muslims)
  9. Mission & Mobilization Agencies
  10. Missionary Care (Resources, Financing, Field Care, Home Care, Tentmakers, Issues)
  11. The Persecuted Church
  12. Prayer (Resources, Guides, Principles, Initiatives, PTTW, Testimonies)
  13. Presentation Materials (Quotes, Visual Aids, Outlines)
  14. PRINT (Books, Periodicals, Curriculums, Etc.)
  15. Projects (Specific Ministry opportunities)
  16. Short-Term Missions
  17. Strategy Of Mobilization (General, Case Studies, Ethnic, Networking)
  18. Training (Organizations, Missionaries, Church, Academic, Mobilizers, Perspectives, Short-Term, Tools)
  19. Unreached People Groups (Adoption, Advocacy, Minorities, Profiles, Research, Issues)
  20. Vocational Mobilizers

  1. GENERAL: Lists of Resources
    1. Bible Studies on Missions
    2. Top 25 Recommended Books on Missions
    3. Children's Mission Resources
    4. CHURCH Mission Resource Overview
    5. "Avenues" of mission involvement for Individuals
    6. 11 Ways to Involve yourself in Missions
    7. List of Mission Agencies by Juan Guerra
    8. Calendar of Interagency and Regional Mission Events
  2. AGE/INTEREST Groups
    1. Children
      1. Strategy for mobilizing Children for missions
      2. Information and Reviews of Children's mission materials
      3. PreSchool
      4. Organizations involved in Children's Mobilization
    2. Student (College)
      1. History of Students in Missions by J. Edwin Orr.
      2. Strategy for mobilizing University Students
      3. Program: Creative ideas and fundraisers
      4. Case Studies of mission activities at specific colleges
    3. HomeSchool
      1. Missions-oriented curriculums
      2. Information on mobilizing Homeschoolers
    4. M.K.'s
    5. GenX
    6. Youth
    7. Servicemen
  3. ARTS
    1. General
    2. Drama
    3. Graphics (ClipArt and Photos)
    4. Music
      1. Music for Performance (includes Contemporary Christian albums)
      2. Worship Songs
    5. Poetry
  4. CHURCH Mobilization
    1. Strategy of mobilizing church congregations
      1. Case Studies
      2. Principles
      3. Beginning Strategies
    2. Hindrances to mobilizing churches
    3. Mobilizing Church Leadership
      1. Senior Pastors
      2. Worship Leaders
      3. Youth Directors
      4. Mission Pastors
    4. Denominations
    5. Resources to use in church mobilization
    6. Short Term Mission Trips for Church groups
    7. Mission Conferences
      1. Names for conferences
      2. Creative Ideas
      3. Speakers (Also See CONFERENCES: SEMINARS)
      4. Tips on Mission Conference design
    1. Conventional Face-to-face conferences
      1. 1995
      2. 1996
      3. 1997
      4. 1998
    2. Email conferences
      1. List of Conferences offering email subscriptions
      2. How to start your own
    3. Seminars (List of Mission seminar packages)
  6. ELECTRONIC media
    1. World-wide Web
      1. Orientation to use of Web
      2. List of Websites
      3. URL's for Mission Agencies
      4. Grace Wiebe's Mission Links
    2. Computing Resources
    3. Audio Tapes
    4. Videos
      1. Mission Videos: Overview
      2. List of Videos on Missions
      3. Video Profiles of Unreached People Groups
    5. Other A/V materials
    1. Information Sources
    2. Statistics
      1. General
      2. Brigada-orgs-missionmobilizers
      3. Church
      4. Missionaries
      5. Unreached Peoples
  8. ISSUES in Missions
    1. Soteriology--Salvation without Missionaries?
    2. Indigenous Missions
    3. Who to prioritize in Mission work
    4. Future Trends
      1. Postmodernity
      2. Year2000
      3. Strategy for Future
    5. Muslim Ministry
      1. Orientation to the Muslim World
      2. Outreach to Muslims
    1. General List
    2. Organizations doing Mission Mobilization
      1. Overview
      2. AD2000
      3. AIMS
      4. Kingdom Building Ministries
      5. Student Mission Advance, Canada
      6. YWAM
      7. Other Profiles (Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse, Advonet, Big World Ventures, Episcopal Church Missionary Community, Helps International, Kingdom Ventures, Operation Reveille, Senior Ambassadors For Christ, The Bridge--Se Asia, The Church At Cane Creek)
    3. Evangelism & Church-Planting
    4. Relief & Development
    5. To Deaf & Blind
    6. Resource/Support ministries
    7. Human rights Groups dealing with Persecuted Church
    1. Resources: Books, Organizations, etc.
    2. Financing Missionaries
    3. Field Care
      1. Accountability
      2. Ideas for Encouraging/Supporting Missionaries
    4. Home Care
      1. Re-Entry
        1. Books on Reentry
        2. Ideas for helping re-entering missionaries
      2. Retreats
    5. Tentmakers
      1. Startup
      2. Field Issues
      3. Finances
    6. Issues
      1. Are we loyal to the target people or to the missionary sent?
      2. Moms and Ministry
    1. Biblical Basis for Understanding Persecution
    2. Resources
    3. Activities for involvement in helping Persecuted
    4. Persecution and Missionary Recruitment
    5. Politics--foreign Policy impact on Religious Liberty

  12. PRAYER
    1. Resources
    2. Prayer Guides
    3. Principles
    4. Prayer Initiatives
      1. List of Prayer Initiatives
      2. Praying Through The Window Initiative
        1. Overview
        2. Resources for hosting a PTTW Initiative
        3. Liturgies for PTTW services
    5. Testimony to the power of prayer
      1. Brief Testimonies
      2. Legendary Story (Duewel)
      3. Prayer Moves Mountains (Sidebotham)
      4. Prayer & Revival (Smithers)
      5. Prayer Works! (Long)
  13. PRESENTATION Materials
    1. Brief Quotes usable in presentations
    2. Aids for Presentations (AudioVisuals and sermon material sources)
    3. Mission Mobilization Messages & Outlines (See also:PRINT:OTHER for ideas from brochures, or click here to view Caleb Project's Mission Issue Brochures.)
      1. Biblical Basis on Unreached Peoples (Schroeder)
      2. The Ultimate Collector's Item (Reid)
      3. Doing Good (Byard)
      4. What Part of "GO YE" don't we understand? (Pirolo)
      5. What of the Unevangelized? (Sanders)
      6. Here am I--send my Sister (Fleming)
      7. Mission and the Moon (Straus)
      8. Motivation for Mission (North)
      9. Operations Order (Sidebotham)
      10. Persecution (Dye)
      11. Unfinished Task (Parson)
      12. Scenario of the Unreached (Caleb Project)
      13. Scum of the Earth (Holtzman)
      14. Leaven and the Unreached (Parson)
      15. World C and World A (Long)
      16. What Would Jesus Do?
  14. PRINT (Books, Periodicals, Curriculum, etc.)
    1. CURRICULUM (Bible Studies on Missions)
    2. Books
      1. Top 25 reccommendations
      2. Missionary Biographies
      3. Books on mission and mobilization
        1. Titles A-E
        2. Titles F-M
        3. Titles N-R
        4. Titles S-Z
    3. Periodicals
      1. List of Mission Magazines (Printed)
      2. Email Periodicals
      3. World News Sources
    4. Other: (Maps, Calendars, Flags, Posters, T-Shirts, Brochures....)
  15. PROJECTS Specific Ministry opportunities
    1. General
    2. Fundraisers
    3. The Ideal Short Term (Harlan)
    4. Networking: STM Contacts
    5. Training
    6. going to Unreached areas
  17. STRATEGY of Mobilization
    1. General
    2. Mobilizing a community
    3. Being comprehensive--integrating missions into all of life
    4. Conceptual models of education--stages of understanding
    5. Discipleship as a strategy
    6. Field-Side Perspective on mobilization (Former Mobilizer now doing UPG church-planting)
    7. Recruiting Missionaries
    8. Mobilizing resistant/uninterested people
    9. Case Studies
      1. Operation Mobilization's Acts 13 Breakthrough 2000
      2. What's After October Conferences
      3. Arizona Missions Consortium Breakfast
      4. Brother Andrew/Open Doors
      5. Evangelical Free Churches
      6. Emmaus Road International History
      7. Emmaus Road International Principles
      8. Lessons from Mobilization Failures
      9. International Student Ministry
      10. Logos Ship Ministry
      11. MissionFests
      12. Prayer meeting in Atlanta
      13. St.Louis Center for World Mission
      14. AIMS-Wichita
    10. Ethnic Mobilization
      1. Afro-American
      2. Asian
      3. European
      4. India
      5. North American
      6. Spanish/Latin American
    11. Networking
      1. Overview/Concepts
      2. Opportunities to network with others
      3. Case Studies--Examples of how networking works
    1. Missionaries
      1. Training Church Planters and Long-Term Cross-Cultural Workers
      2. Goals of Training: Essential Qualities of a Missionary
      3. Making Training Family-Friendly
      4. Training Missionaries Internationally-In other countries
      5. Language-Learning
      6. Muslim Ministry Training
    2. Agencies that train missionaries
    3. Church-Based Training Programs
    4. Continuing Academic Education for Missionaries
    5. Mobilizers
    6. Perspectives On the World Christian Movement Course
    7. Short-Term Mission Teams
    8. Tools to use in cross-cultural training programs
    1. Adoption of UPG's
    2. Advocacy
    3. Unreached Minorities within reached nations
    4. Profiles (Includes Videos & Prayer Guides)
    5. Researching UPG's and Networking with other ministries
    6. Resources for Adopting and reaching UPG's
    7. Issues
      1. Are we loyal to the target people or the missionary?
      2. A Missionary in an adopted people group speaks up.
  20. VOCATIONAL Mobilizers
    1. Overview: Basic Issues and Skills
    2. Biblical Basis
    3. Case Studies
    4. Financial support of full-time mobilizers
    5. Should we call ourselves "Mobilizers" or not?

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