CONFERENCE Chronology 1996

Chronological list of face-to-face meetings and conferences having to do with mission mobilization.

Includes both announcements and summary reports. (I had to guess on some of the dates--feel free to send corrections!)


14 Nov 96 FASTING & PRAYER'96 (Mission America)
November 14-16, St. Louis, MO "You are invited [to gather] with thousands of Christian leaders and laypersons to fast and pray for revival in America and the world... (2 Chronicles 7:14) "This [was] the greatest experience of my life; I will never be the same." --Chuck Colson For more information, call toll-free 1-888-327-8464"


31 Dec 96 GO '97 (Adventist)
an international missions conference sponsored by Andrews University, a Seventh Day Adventist School, will be held Dec. 31 - Jan. 4 in Berrien Springs, Mich. (USA). For more information, contact [not to be confused with GO'97, sponsored by Columbia International University students in the Atlanta Area-NW].


27 Dec 96 URBANA 96, InterVarsity's Student Mission Convention at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign December 27-31, 1996 "You Are My Witnesses" Over 20,000 are likely to attend. Registrations postmarked by July 31 are $340 for Students and $475 for Non-Students. For more information, call 608-274-7995 or email <> or


27 Dec 96 CONQUEST: Conference for High Schoolers in Mexico
This is a new missions conference designed especially for high school students who are interested in missions, scheduled for Mexico City between Christmas and New Year's of 1996. Organizers of the conference hope to attract 3000 Mexican students and 2000 from North America. Students from around the world will be invited to this conference held in the world's largest city. The event will run simultaneously with the InterVarsity Urbana Conference for collegians in Illinois.--Source: Frank Gorsline (who is on the planning committee of the conference) 2313 NE 157th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98684


20 Dec 96 C&MA CANADA '96 Covenant
[The following document was prepared at the 1996 C&MA-Canada general assembly, and all present were challenged to sign it. I'm not C&MA myself, but I found this to be a tremendous statement of rededication for me.--NW]

"We, the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, are committed to the glorification of the Triune God, stressing the fullness of Jesus in personal experience and the building of His Church around the world through the proclamation of His gospel.

We remember Almighty God as the sovereign Creator of the universe, worthy of our worship and our submission; being thoroughly convinced of His love for us and His passion to make disciples through the presentation of the whole gospel to the whole world. We assume the responsibility of being God's holy people, living wholly for Jesus and through Jesus.

Because we know the ease with which we wander from our primary commitment to Christ, our tendency to live for self rather than the Saviour, our temptaion to trust in our strength rather than the Holy Spirit, we return to our first love, to the Cross, to our absolute dependence upon the fullnesss of the Holy Spirit.

I resolve to bring glory to Jesus and His church through a solemn covenant to invest my life in the following disciplines:

Obedience to God and His inerrant Scriptures is the heart of this covenant. I will be a person of the Word, I will consistently study it. I will authentically live it. I will compassionately proclaim it.

I will daily seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit that I may know the purity, the power, the presence of Jesus in my life.

Recognizing the lostness of humanity, I will live my life with a passion for reaching my neighbour for Christ.

I will be a world Christian, I will pray fervently and specifically for God's work around the world. I will give sacrificially to support the Global Advance Fund, and I will ask the Lord of the Harvest to call new workers from among my family and my circle of friends and may He begin with me.

Embracing Jesus' commitment ot build His Church, I will give myself to this work with an undivided, fully surrendered, expectant heart. I will faithfully serve my church. I will joyfully give to my church. I will carefully protect the unity of my church. I will prayerfully anticipate the renewing work of the Holy Spirit in my church.

I will be a person of prayer, for my strength and victory are in Jesus in this battle against the powers of darkness. I will pray for my family. I will intercede for our land. I will stand in the gap for those who are spiritually, emotionally, and economically oppressed.

By God's grace and for His glory, I commit myself to this covenant. Source: Alliance Life, Box 7900, Station B, Willowdale, ON M2K 2R6


12 Dec 96 PANAMA'96 REPORT
Following is a couple of excerpts from postings regarding the exciting AD2000 conference held in Panama City last month. First is a copy of a document drafted and signed by leaders at the conference, followed by some excerpts from conference sessions.--NW

Originally From: (Luis Bush) Declaration of the Americas Denominational Summit LATINOAMERICA 2000

We, the participants of this historic meeting of leaders of different denominations, representing diverse parts of the Body of Christ and being conscious of the command of the Great Commission, declare:

-- We understand God is "on mission" to redeem the lost world (Habakkuk 2:14; II Peter 3:9), and He uses us, His Church, as His instruments for this purpose, called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Ephesians 3:10-11; I Peter 2:9);

-- We came to Panama with the profound conviction that the Holy Spirit is directing His Church in this juncture of history to unite our energies to accelerate the fulfillment of the proclamation of the gospel to all peoples, tribes, languages, and nations of the world. And here, having prayed together, shared in fellowship, listened to testimonies and project reports and heard the denominational initiatives from our western hemisphere looking toward the year 2000 and beyond; and having heard about the efforts to network, the desire for unity, God's movement in the Americas focusing on evangelization and world missions, and the enormous and marvelous prayer and coordination efforts to go to the world's unreached,

--We believe the Holy Spirit is guiding us, according to His mission, to act as one body, expressed in many forms through the denominations and other Christian organizations.

Now, having one mind and heart in our commitment to work together for world evangelism towards the year 2000 and beyond, we, as members of different organizations, declare our commitment to establish "A church for every people and the gospel for every person by the year 2000." To fulfill this objective, we call on every component of the Body of Christ to freely give our hands, hearts, minds, and souls in the great cause of Jesus Christ and to pray for and cooperate with others to present the gospel to the unreached, while respecting each other's doctrinal convictions.

Also, we declare that, when we return to our own countries and organizations in North, Central, and South America, we will encourage our denominations and fellowships to consider the following actions:

To prioritize focus on the peoples which do not have access to the gospel, most of which are located in the area known as the 10/40 Window. To call our people to pray, acknowledging prayer as the central strategy, crucial to reaching the objective mentioned before; to encourage our churches to participate in prayer initiatives such as Praying Through the Window III in October 1997, and March For Jesus, which will be held every year through AD 2000. To encourage our churches to take part in national initiatives, to cooperate with the AD2000 Movement networks where they exist, and to encourage the development of national Initiatives where they do not exist. To establish intercontinental fellowship links in order to share resources, ministries, strategies, objectives and goals in order to avoid the duplication of efforts and to facilitate the acceleration of the remaining task of evangelization and world missions. To search for ways to accelerate missionary efforts from our denominations in our work around the world, and the recruitment of a new missionary force directed toward the unreached. To establish bridges of constant communication in order to support each other as one body in our common goal to fulfill the Great Commission. To recommend to the national alliances of the Americas that they take this torch, lighted at the Americas Denominational Summit of LatinoAmerica 2000, and call for similar summits in their own lands, which will help to accelerate commitment to the joint work of all vital forces within each nation for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We make this commitment for the greater glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and for the extension of His Kingdom among the millions who have not yet heard the gospel.

From: by Debbie Wood ..Ana Maria Pereira, an attractive blonde from Brazil, shared her calling: to mobilize women through "Wake Up! Deborah." ...They got the idea of woman praying their children, not only to God, but from God to the world as missionaries. Their goal is to mobilize 25,000 mothers, who would then present to God 50,000 young people as missionaries. Thousands of mothers are already participating in prayer for their children and many teen agers are coming to Christ. The women commit to pray for at least 15 minutes per day, even if it is for 5 minutes 3 times.

>From Rudy Girion's address: "In 1982, there were 75,000 North American missionaries. In 1993, the figure had dropped to only 30,000, and 95% of funding for the North American missionaries is coming from the generation over age 55... Career missionaries are disappearing from the scene as they retire or change jobs in the midst of a midlife crisis. Short term is more popular with younger Generation X. Where will God get the missionaries to finish the task? >From Latin America! Amen!"


08 Dec 96 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Dallas '96
On December 1st through December 8th, 1996, a World Missions Conference will be held in Dallas, Texas. This conference will offer evangelical Christian mission organizations wide exposure to a variety of potential supporters and interested parties in the Dallas metroplex. Additionally, the conference is an opportunity for mission organizations to share the latest in God's work and methods throughout the world. Mission organizations can participate in: Daily Seminars, Plenary Sessions, Business Luncheon Presentations, International Food Fair, Prayer Breakfast, and a Mission Exhibit Hall. If your organization is interested in receiving further information and an application, please respond to: Or call/fax: (214) 739-7099. This conference is being sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Dallas for the evangelical mission community.


From: George Sparks <> ..In Dallas on December 6 - 7, 1996, there will be a Russian Symposium which includes an evening of keynote addresses followed by a day of panel/roundtable discussions. The symposium's goal is to shed light on mission methods that have worked well in the former Soviet Union (Eurasia) and where we need to correct. And more importantly we hope to improve strategic alliances, increase and coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of Eurasia evangelization, and increase Eurasia evangelical inter-mission cooperation and prayer.

[Speakers include:] Dr. Nickolay Revtov...Eurasia Director of Evangelism Explosion, ...Dr. Robert Provost, the President of the Slavic Gospel Association, ...Mr. Oleg Rumin...from the Russian School of Evangelism in St. Petersburg, ...Dr. Jim Mugg of Church Leadership Int'l; Dr. John Moldovan, Professor of Missiology; Dr. Anatolly Jaloshin of the Kiev Theological Seminary and several other Eurasia mission leaders including representatives from the CoMission, Foreign Mission Board, and 4:13 Ministries...


Originally from: DougLucas@XC.Org (Team Expansion) Originally dated: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 14:04:37 -0800

Hey, if God is willing, and if I can help, I'll put in for Lexington, KY (and the KY area) for Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 1996. I've been asked to be president of a convention there that could probably accomplish several 'causes'. It's being planned as a convention specifically designed for the culture of Christian churches and churches of Christ, but we're hoping for guests. :-) Here's a possible piece of text that we've thrown together these last few days, in hopes of using it as a preliminary mailing to 5500 churches in our 'denomination' (that calls itself non-denominational -- :-)) Doug PS. I'll write Jeff re: an idea on how the 'file' area of this conference might be used to maintain the proposed 'list' of 'claimed cities'.

"Change. Any more, it almost seems as if change is the only thing that stays the same. All around us, the world is transforming. Sometimes, we wake up... and it's done. Sometimes it seems to happen right before our very eyes. Either way, it's happening fast. And it appears nothing is exempt... just about.

In the midst of all that change comes the eternal message of Jesus Christ. Life-giving, vibrant, hope-filled, peaceful, steadfast.

But how do we convey that message of hope to a world so accustomed to hopelessness? And how can we inspire trust in the 'unchangeability' of the message we hold so dear?

Unfortunately, we don't often take the time to reflect on those questions. There are a myriad of other projects screaming for our attention. It has grown to the point that we have to choose carefully where to invest our time and effort. We've concluded that there must be a solid and verifiable need. In addition, we must see an opportunity to utilize the unique gifts entrusted to us by our Creator and Father -- otherwise, it doesn't seem relevant to us. But, along the way, if through some happy course of events, we were to manage to encounter the place where God's deep hunger and our great gladness meet, we would experience the otherwise elusive sensation of making a difference for eternal good while finding peace and purpose for the present.

Well imagine . . . for just a moment if you will . . . imagine a gathering where thousands of Christian leaders and worshippers come together from around the world. They would all have in common the same distractions, the same dilemmas, the same challenges, and the same opportunities. Imagine a gathering at which these believers and leaders would pray like never before that God would work out His mighty will in their lives. Imagine those thousands in meaningful and intense worship, centered on the greatness of the mighty God we serve. Think of it as thousands of sources for light, ... all coming to focus in one stream again. Think of how bright the light could shine.

Imagine, for example, home cell group worship meetings taking place at this event, not only to model cell-group-style church planting, but also to actually live out God's contrasting Kingdom full of saints from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and kindreds. Imagine that the home cell group leaders have been trained earlier by some of the finest experts on cell group ministry in the world. Imagine your own leaders soaking it all in... or sharing from their own store of experiences so that you can pass on the torch to others.

Imagine a gathering where the emphasis is on mission . . . whether at home, in one's local community, or abroad, among unreached peoples and cities around the world. Imagine, as a part of the momentum leading up to this gathering, your church becoming involved in making a difference in one or more of those newly defined groups or cities.

Then think about what it would be like to see representatives from dozens of churches standing side by side on the stage of this great gathering... churches that had mobilized to make a difference at home and abroad. Telling their story. Explaining the hardships. Describing the victories already won, and those that seem imminent in the future.

Imagine some of the world's finest speakers, sharing in groups both large and small. Just imagine a meeting where you can meet and pick the brain of the one key individual that's been focusing for years on the very challenge you're facing now.

Can you see it? Can you see 2000 believers coming together for a meeting like that? Can you see 5000? Can you imagine 20,000?

We can. And it's about to happen. Beginning now until Oct. 31, 1996, churches from across the world will choose to work together to prepare for this mighty event. They'll call it... Envision '96.

It won't be your typical convention. In fact, it just might be unlike any event you've ever attended. Take the opening night, for example. Well-known sports enthusiasts and professional athletes from around the globe will have symbolically shared in a reenactment of the legacy that has brought us to this point as a movement. They'll be following a torch, running from the hills of Cane Ridge, Kentucky, where the famed "Cane Ridge revival meetings" occurred. That torch will be carried right into downtown Lexington, Kentucky, into Rupp Arena, before the eyes of some 20,000 believers, to light the ceremonial beginning to a meeting that just might help rekindle a revival in your church, or the one across town. So that when Envision '96 is finished on Nov. 3, the memories and the momentum left behind will hopefully come to mean more than the event itself. The legacy will become a hope for tomorrow, at least a hope for the hundreds, or possibly thousands of individuals who could find Christ through the joint efforts extended via this project.

Envision '96 is being designed especially for Christian churches and churches of Christ. But many others will come to be a part of what is about to happen. They will see the momentum, the gladness, the joy in worship.

They will see revival. That's what it will take to win a lost world that lives nearby, and faraway. That's why personal and corporate revival must be a key part of what we do as we approach Lexington.

They will see renewal. That's what it will take to start multiplying churches in global communities that hitherto we haven't even been able to pronounce, let alone visit. Renewal, on a personal and a corporate basis... We've got to discover how to bring it about... before we lose this chance to make a difference.

They will see the opportunity to fan the embers of their personal experience with Christ, then take those flames together to those who need Him most. That's what "Envision '96" is all about. Action. Completion. Closure. Fulfillment. Purpose. Christians just like you, yearning to make a difference, coming together from across the world, to stand shoulder to shoulder and say, "Let's get this done for the Son of God!" Get ready.... for Envision '96."


27 Sep 96 PHOENIX- Antioch '96
Conference Message from Dan Davis, Antioch Network: I'd like to invite you to a special gathering of churches who are interested in planting churches in the 10/40 Window...the Antioch Network Annual Gathering to be held September 27-29, 1996 in Scottsdale, AZ

Antioch Network is a loose consortium of churches who get together annually to share experiences and to encourage each along the way. In this year's gathering there will be a special focus on specific people groups... The goal is for churches to share vital field information and insights with each other, and allow churches just getting started to be coached by those further along.

The tracks planned for this gathering include: Arabian Gulf Peoples, Azeris, Bosnian Muslims, Indian Sub-continent Peoples, Kazakhs, Kurds, Malays, North African Peoples, Tajiks, and Turks. Plenary Speakers include: Douglas Layton (Belmont Church, Nashville), Sandy Mason (Grace Fellowship, Baltimore), Mike Stachura (ACMC), Bill Thrall (Open Door Fellowship), George Miley (Antioch Network).

The Gathering will be at the Valley Ho Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. The rate for the rooms is $65 per night, single or double occupancy. Additional in-room guest can be accomodated at $10 per person. The Registration fee for the Conference is $95 per person for the first registrant from a church, and $75 for each additional registrant. Mail your registration to: Antioch Network 5060 N. 19th Avenue, #312 Phoenix, AZ 85015 tel: 602/242-4414 fax: 602/242-0416 email: The registration includes admittance to all sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, Saturday lunch and Sunday's American Continental Breakfast. In order to secure the lowest rate for facilities and food service, Antioch Network needs to have fees in hand by 8/26/96.


Dr. C. Peter Wagner will be convening...conferences this year to better serve the intercessors across the United States...On September 25-27, the East Coast Conference will be held in Charlotte, NC...Dr. Wagner is extending to participants of the Praying Through The Window prayer efforts, the following special rates: $150 for the first registered individual, $115 for additional individual from the same church, and $95 for a spouse...Call 800-337- 2334 ASAP... --From Beverly Pegues <>


August 3rd, 1996 (9:45-5:00), Dallas, TX, $19.95 person. If you would like more detailed information on the conference and very reasonable overnight facilities, please call 214-321-4933/4932. In addition to plenary sessions, the following workshops are scheduled: Discipleship with Chinese Students The 3R's of Volunteerism with The 3B Generations "Walk Thru" the World Religions Reaching Out to Students from a Hindu Background Outreach to Chinese Students (Panel) Friendship Partners Leading Bible Studies Volunteers Follow Vision Muslim Students Are Reachable An Anthropologist Looks at Student Adjustment Preparing Students to Return Home/Follow-up Network Helping Students Who Are Having Personal Problems --Forwarded by Dave Hemperly <>


13 Jul 96 TEAM "Upholding the Word; Impacting the World"
The Evangelical Alliance Mission's annual conference will be held at Wheaton College, July 13-17. Main Speaker: Charles Zimmerman. To register, call Shelley Cochrane 800-343-3144


QUESTION From: I'm guessing there are a million Christian men in the U.S. connected with the PromiseKeepers movement. The last of the seven commitments that this movement carries is a commitment to missions. Is there anything that we can offer (as a loose coalition of some 170 mission- focused organizations on this email conference) to assist Promise Keepers in fulfilling their 7th commitment? I saw precious few mission displays at the Denver PK conference.

ANSWER From: "Cody U. Watson, Jr." <71153.1545@CompuServe.COM> Billy Kim gave a strong note on missions, promise #7 at the recent Atlanta Promise Keepers. But this was the first time it had a strong emphasis.

ANSWER From: (Steve Hoke) We (Church Resource Ministries--CRM) are very interested in getting hooked up with PK, but have spent an inordinate number of hours trying to get hooked up to them or applying to be a...displayer at their conferences. We would like to tap into this groundswell... Let us know if you have any leads or can tell me what--if any mission agencies, have displayed. I'd like to talk to them

ANSWER From: <> I believe Gospel for Asia in Carrollton, Texas, has displayed at PK events.

PROMISEKEEPERS ANSWER From: (Gary Gideon) I was at the PK conference in San Diego July 12, 13. Several mission organizations were represented in the ministry tent. Among them:

Bibles For The World, Box 805, Wheaton, IL 60189 Voice Of The Martyrs, PO Box 443, Bartlesville, OK 74005-9935 Gospel For Asia, 1932 Walnut Plaza, Carrollton, TX 75006 Compassion Int'l, PO Box 7000, Colorado Springs, CO 80933-9849 Operation Mob'n/Logos II, PO Box 900091, San Diego, CA 92190- Campus Crusade/New Life 2000, POB 593684, Orlando, FL 32859 *Campus Crusade was primarily focusing on Mission America, Fasting & Prayer to be held in St. Louis, MO, Nov. 14-16, 1996.

There were a few others represented as well. With 22 conferences in different parts of the country this year, there will be different ministries represented at each conference. The cost for display space is very reasonable, but some conferences, due to location may have more room than others. Additionally, it appears that those ministries which were represented were there because individual missionaries with those organizations took the initiative of doing so.

Also, the new PK book "Go The Distance" covers promise #7 in more detail than others have. In our accountability group study of this part of the book, the focus will be on "all nations" (missions).

I think we need to be careful not to criticise the minitry of PK, which is to help men to get back to Godly roles and be "Men of Integrity". As this happens, and men take their proper place in the home and the church, missions will automatically happen. The real teaching about, and mobilization for missions has to take place in the local church.

ANSWER From: [anonymous] A simple start would be to get "Run With The Vision" by Sjogren and Stearns visible and promoted at the conferences. Another small inroad was established recently when Berry Publishing distributed 50,000 magazines called "Men Reaching Out" at recent PK conferences. This mag contained a condensed version of an article that I wrote about how men and their families can have a worldwide impact without necessarily ever leaving "home." Perhaps we can help or encourage Berry Publishing further in their PK endeavors. Dala Bruemmer is the editor with whom I worked and she can be reached at

From: Rob Ambrose <76105.3502@CompuServe.COM> Our company, (Berry Publishing Services), launched a prototype magazine this summer to do just that: "Assist Promise Keeper men in fulfilling their 7th commitment". It is called MEN REACHING OUT.

After attending the Pastor's Promise Keepers Conference in Atlanta, our publisher, (Bill Berry), felt that the Lord was calling him "to publish a resource magazine that would provide Christian men with ministry and growth opportunities, to help them transition from hearing the Lord's call to acting upon it".

We quickly put together a simple, "no editorial", 32 page prototype, once we received the go-ahead from Promise Keepers to exhibit. We wanted to get it out this year in order to gage people's reaction from this year's conferences. We published 65,000 copies. The mission agencies we contacted were very positive about it, and a good number of them bought advertising. The men @ Promise Keepers snatched them up quickly, using much of our inventory.

Based upon this initial reaction we are now planning a full scale issue, with editorial, for next year's Promise Keepers Conferences. It will be called MEN REACHING OUT '97, and will be distributed to a total of 250,000 men attending the conferences and/or participating in local men's groups. It will be published in 25 two-state regional editions, so that ministries can advertise nationally, but give local contact information. The editorial will encourage involvement in World Mission, Ministry "Here-at-Home", their local church and racial reconciliation. (Raleigh Washington and Glen Kehrein will be honorary co-chairmen of a major campaign to distribute the magazine through 3,000 men's groups).

Anyone interested in more information should contact Rob Ambrose @ Berry Publishing Services fax: 717-626-4554


26 Jun 96 OMS Family Missions Conference--95th Anniversary Celebration
June 26-30 on the Asbury Campuses in Wilmore, KY Drama, special meals, Bible Teaching, Missionary reports, music, and an international craft fair are on the schedule, plus special tracks for children and for teens. Sounds fun and looks like there are some good speakers. Send $30 registration fee to OMS International Conference P.O. Box A, Greenwood, IN 46142-6599 before June 15.


Global Network Of International Students, a joint venture of Weiner Ministries International and AIMS, will host the May 23-26, 1996 International Student Ministry Conference at the Founders Inn and Conference Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Over twenty speakers will train you in:

-Practical outreaches to build bridges & evangelize international students -Discipling evangelized international students -Mobilizing international students for church planting Reach the nations at your doorstep and reach the global leaders of tomorrow today. For more information call Kim Avallone at (804) 579-5874. --Submitted by: <>


27 Feb 96 MISSION 2000 GERMANY report
Conference at Bispingen, North Germany, Febr. 27- March 3 , 1996 VOW !!! WE had a fantastic time. 130 prospective Mission Mobilizers from Germany, Belarus and the Czech Republic came to the first German Mission Mobilizers Conference organized jointly by YWAM and AIMS Germany. Plenary sessions, 12 different workshops and 8 different regional workgroups (from Africa to Uzbekistan). A prayer team of 6 people covered the whole conference in prayer (they prayed up to 6 hours each - really soaking the conference in prayer). The teaching of the various speakers was fantastic. They taught on member care, non-residential missions, strategic partnership, mobilizing mobilizers, the 10/40 window etc. etc. - many topics were quite new to the participants. But the point all of them stressed again and again is that mobilizing for Missions is not a method, not a strategy, not a thing that can be done, but that the key of mobilizing is to pass on God's vision - who wants to see all peoples of the earth come together at his throne to worship him. The speakers really were an example in servitude - two of them helped in the kitchen! every day of the conference as we were short of staff, others helped clearing the location after the conference and they really sat where the people sat. This was very moving and healing for those of the participants who came from churches with a strong hierarchy. On the last evening there was a fest, where people could sign a declaration (see below) - comitting themselves to Missions and Missions Mobilization. After they had signed the declaration they could sign their names on a huge map of the world - at the place where they want to invest their lives. It was great to see the 10/40 window (and other areas) filled with the names of individuals who comitted themselves for these regions. God really poured out his heart to us at this conference - and we hope and pray that a new movement is on the way that will show God's heart to other Christians and to a lost world...


We believe that God is calling a new German missions movement into existence, which will reach the unreached peoples of the 10/40 Window and beyond. It will be a movement which will originate out of churches which have committed themselves to reach the unreached peoples. We believe that this missions movement will be accompanied by a strong prayer movement, which will be based upon the word of God and the working of the Holy Spirit. We believe that this movement can only come about, if many "multipliers" propagate the idea of this missions movement and motivate individuals and churches to participate in it. Our desire is that similar movements will originate in other European countries and we are willing to support these movements where possible. We are part of the world wide body of Christ. We believe that no church or Missions agency can singularly fulfill the Great Commission. We want to work together with all Christians whose hearts are aflame with the desire to fulfill the Great Commission. We are thankful for world wide movements, such as the AD 2000 movement, the Lausanne movement and others that have been formed in order to encourage cooperative action. We want to join these movements and do our part, so that until the year 2000 (and beyond), a church planting movement has been formed in every people group and that every person on the earth has heard the gospel. God expects us to be ready to be used by Him and to take those steps which He has shown us. We want to do our part in seeing the desire of God's heart fulfilled. "...a great multitude... of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,..." (Revelation 7:9) We invite each one of you to join this declaration and to dedicate yourselves to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Submitted by: Kerstin Hack <>


Over 1,300 participants came from 15 states, 20 schools, and 100 churches to the 7th annual Heartland MissionsFest held in Tulsa, Oklahoma this past February. In answer to much prayer, the Lord of the Harvest gathered Baptists, Charismatics, Lutherans, Methodist, Pentecostals and Presbyterians for the largest annual interdenominational missions conference in America.

George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilization shared a new vision and strategy to mobilize 200,000 new missionaries with numerous agencies by the year 2000. Dean Sherman, international teacher with Youth With A Mission, ministered on Spiritual Warfare for the Frontlines. Designed to inform, inspire and involve those interested in career missions, short-term missions trips or sending others, the three-day conference included 55 workshops. Participants also connected with many of the 105 missions agencies that exhibited. 159 individuals signed the Caleb Declaration to commit their "entire lives to obeying the Great Commission, wherever and however God leads."

The conference in Tulsa is coordinated by a volunteer network of Tulsa-area churches and ministries. Other MissionsFests are scheduled in the coming year: September in Arkansas, November in St. Louis, and February 1997 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; Vancouver, British Columbia; and Edmonton, Alberta. For more information contact John McVay at (800) 3 66-6641, Fax (918) 587-1953, or P.O. Box 50130, Tulsa, OK 74150, or E-mail <>