Ideas and Resources for Practical activities you can do in regards to the Persecuted church.
Question From: Harold Britton <Hbritton@Cproject.Com> If your church did anything about the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church? Would you share a brief word about it?...
ANSWER From: Karl Mueller <> During our Saturday Nite Celebration (a seeker-sensitive service) we showed 15 minutes of the IDOP video, and then split into groups of 8-10 people for a concert of prayer. I directed the prayer topics based on the Lord's Prayer, and then people prayed in groups. At the end of our prayer time, we had a communion time. We also offered material at the end of the evening for people interested in getting more involved. About 25% of the people who attended picked up the information sheets. Many people were blown away by the video. They had no idea what was going on in regards to the persecuted church. In our Sunday morning services (which are quite formal and not very flexible), we had a bulletin insert about the persecuted church, and then prayed during the congregational prayer time. The Saturday Nite Celebration was significantly more effective...
ANSWER From: Hebert Sardy <> ...I received a brochure of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church from Intercede (a bi-monthly publication of the Center for Ministry to Muslims). In that brochure they gave information of Internet sites to get extra information, so I downloaded news from the Voice of the Martyrs..., translated part of that material and shared it with 5 churches. In my church that Sunday the [sermon] was about prayer and after that I shared the information and we prayed for our persecuted brothers. The people got the sense of the situation in other countries...
Looking for specific actions you can take to help persecuted believers around the world? Contact International Christian Concern at or write 2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941, Washington, DC 20006 USA. From: November 1997 (
U.S. OFFICES OF GROUPS FIGHTING RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION from "Their Blood Cries Out" by Paul Marshall. Submitted by:
V.O.M. has started a campaign to keep the suffering church in the thoughts of people everywhere. The red and black signs say simply "remember the PERSECUTED" and have Voice of the Martyrs' web address "" with a barbed-wire design. 18 X 24 inch sign is $15; 24 X 30 inch sign is $18; 3 X 10 foot banners also available. Bumper stickers are $4 for a pack of ten. Discounts are available for quantities of 10, 50, or 100. Add US$3 for shipping & handling. Voice of the Martyrs, P.O.Box 443, Bartlesville, OK 74005
Voice of the Martyrs produces a 60-second daily radio program on the persecuted church called "The Overcomers." Contact <> to request a free demo tape, and ask your local radio station to consider adding these spots to their regular programming.