- INTENT <ginter@htc.com>
- Global Opportunities 818-398-2393
- Tentmakers International Exchange <KSmith@gati.wa.com> Training Seminars. Contact Danny Martin, 41 East Coast Ave. #03-04, Findland Gardens, Singapore 459246. <careers@singnet.com.sq>
- TENTMAKER CENTRE - INDIA: is a networking organisation promoting partnership activities with individuals and agencies. Their main objective is to mobilise tentmakers to the largely unreached northern states and the creative access nations like the CIS and others. Source: India Missions Association <ima@giasmd01.vsnl.net.in>
Use a professional skill in business overseas, while helping a local church. Call InterChristo (800-251-7740), Global Opportunities (c/o USCWM 818-398-2393), or email Tentmakers Int'l Exchange <KSmith@gati.wa.com>.
LIST OF AGENCIES WILLING TO WORK WITH TENTMAKERS: send a note to hub@xc.org with only this line in the text of the email message: Get brigada un-tentmakers
QUESTION From: lane01@juno.com (William L Leverett) ..I was wondering if anyone knew what jobs Iran is really looking for...
ANSWER From: <NateWilson@XC.org> Try networking on this through Tentmaking organizations such as: *INTENT <ginter@htc.com> * Global Opportunities 818-398-2393 * Tentmakers International Exchange <KSmith@gati.wa.com>
ANSWER From: Peter Nicoll <PNicoll@compuserve.com> I would also try Operation Mobilisation who have many workers through out the middle East and some thirty years of experience. (For security reasons this is not widely advertised.) For information contact Bill Frisby at <Bill@USA.om.org>
- Tentmaker Boot Camp, Indianapolis, Jan.23-24, <dorothyblaha@msn.com>
- INTENT'98 Networking Professionals For Global Impact, May 15-17, Techny, IL, 800-478-2598
- EMQ The October 1996 edition of Evangelical Missions Quarterly "Making Tents or Building Churches?" (Excellent interview on balancing the two parts of a "tentmaking" missionary work.)
- MISSION FRONTIERS The code within the title of each article below refers to the date and page number of each article as it appeared in the printed version of Mission Frontiers. RETRIEVING ARCHIVED ARTICLES FROM MF
To request these articles you may use the following "get" commands by simply using the copy and paste functions to put them into an email message sent to the hub@xc.org address.
get brigada-pubs-missionfrontiers MF91.01-03.37-Tentmakers
- Caleb Project offers a brochure which is a condensation of the excellent book _Tentmakers Speak_. The brochure can be obtained from Caleb Project, 10 WEst Dry Creek Cir, Littleton, CO 80120. <NateWilson@XC.org> could also email the text of that brochure to you. You can order the whole book from the William Carey Library (1-800-MISSION)
- IJFM: The International Journal of Frontier Missions also has devoted their volume 14, #3 (July-Sept 1997) issue to Tentmaking.
Working Your Way to the Nations: A Guide to Effective Tentmaking; Jonathan Lewis, Editor. Price: $13.00. ..essays on effective tentmaking by experienced and knowledgeable missions specialists from around the world.. an important step in identifying and clarifying the "tentmaking" concepts in today's world. Dr. Jonathan Lewis [is also known as] author and compiler of the widely used 3-volume set "World Mission"... Here's an excellent resource to recommend to anyone going overseas as a tentmaker: You can get it through William Carey Publishers (1-800-MISSION) for only $10!--Submitted by DH