Click here for information on supporting this ministry.
Better Birth Childbirth Education classes designed and taught by Paula & Nate Wilson - Ever since taking their first Bradley Childbirth class in 1990, Paula and Nate have been interested in learning all they can about childbirth and sharing ways to make birth more comfortable, less expensive, less scary, and more safe. In eight 2-hour classes we help couples get a feel for the normal process of birth, how to cope with the things that are challenging, what health care options are available throughout the process, how to make informed decisions as consumers of health care, and how the husband can be a stragetic partner throughout the process. Contact us for details on the next class offerings!
2021 Family Gathering Audio - If you could be a fly on the wall during our family vacation, this is what you'd hear every morning after breakfast! Extremely live Christmas music, devotional messages from all our sons and sons-in-law, plus some photos and evening devotional readings.
Biblical Daughterhood What does the Bible say about daughters and their unique role in society?
One-Page Biblical Basis for treating men 20 years and older differently from boys
God's Design for Sexual Relations - One-page chart laying out the path of blessing in marriage alongside the personal and impersonal sexual perversions that are pitfalls at each step, documented throughout with scripture references. Contains mature subject matter, but no explicit graphics.
A Biblical Roadmap for Marriage- G-rated transcript of Nate explaining the God's Design chart listed above, including what the Bible says about how to prepare for marriage, how to succeed in marriage, and the importance of the things beyond marriage: Part 1 | Part 2
The Use of the Home in Scripture A 13-page Word Study
What does it mean to be a Man? - A Word Study on Biblical Manhood composed for a son's 13th birthday.
What does it mean to be a Man? - II - Scriptural lessons from Ephesians 5 and Isaiah 46 for another son's 13th birthday.
Vision for Motherhood - Are Women Really Saved Through Childbearing? Devotional by Paula
Does the Bible Really Recommend Spanking Children? - a Bible study by Nate.
Resources for Cultivating the Spiritual Life of your Family 2-page list of Paula's and Nate's favorites (updated in 2022)
Men & Women - Respect the Difference! (Transcription of a sermon on Genesis 2 by Nate)
Women As Leaders? Accepting the Challenge With Scripture (62-page response to a Christian feminist's book)
What God Wants His Women To Be Like (9-Part Bible Study by Paula)
The Case Against Birth Control (4-page summary by Nate)
The All-Important Purpose Of Christian Home Life: To Know Christ And To Make Him Known (5-Page Article)
God doesn't want to save individuals. He wants to save individuals and their descendents!
Family Rules Household rules we teach our kids to observe.
Lessons Learned from running for Kansas House of Representatives in 2010
Go to: Missions | Arts & Music | Bible Studies
March 2021 Pastoral Priorities, Family News In Photos, Aletheia's Kid's Corner
July 2021 Reassembling, Family News In Photos, Kids Corner: Betsy, Mission Trip to Belize
December 2021 Busy Year, Belize Trip Postponed, Family News In Photos, Kid's Corner: Jed
May 2022 Solo Pastoring, Family News In Photos, Maggie's Kid's Corner
September 2022 Thanks For Praying Us Through The Summer, Kansan Celts Christmas Coming Soon, Family News In Pictures, Hope Victoria Kid's Corner
December 2022 Bethlehem Revisited, Kansan Celts Christmas Album, My Father's Land book announcement, Church prayer requests.
February 2023 New Year Catch-Up, Family News In Pictures, Kid's Corner: Ale
July 2023 We Have A Building!, Family News In Pictures, Kid's Corner: Betsy
October 2023 Persevering through Difficulty, Family News In Pictures, Kid's Corner: Jed
February 2024 New Mercies I See, Family News In Pictures, Kid's Corner: Maggie
August 2024 Life As Ministry, Prayer Corner, Kids Corner: Hope
December 2024 Growing Season, Family Health, Merry Christmas Music, Kids Corner: Aletheia
Go to: Missions | Family | Bible Studies
VIDEO: MOVIE IDEAS - 15 minutes of our kids brainstorming on creating a new video. Hilarious if you know any of the Wilson kids - funny even if you don't!
Beniah Wilson's Senior Music Composition Recital, April 2015, All Faith Chapel, Kansas State University. - Includes peices by the Kansan Celts!
Click here to see and hear samples of our children's Speeches, Dramas, Artwork, Music, and Writings!
The Kansan Celts Live at All Faith Chapel, Kansas State University - April 2014 Part 1 (Pachelbel's Swing, Blythe Heart) | Part 2 (John Ryans, Toss the Feather, Red Clay Halo) | Part 3 (Farmhouse Reel, Correvuela) | Part 4 (Psalm 89, Orange Blossom Special) | Part 5 (All the Miles, Glen Hammer, This is my Father's World)
Beni's Junior Composition Recital: Rhapsody for Solo Violin | Fallen Heroes; Wondrous Love | Cantate Domino; Possum Song; Musicians on a Desert Island. NOTE: Contact us if you are interested in sheet music for any of these peices!
Online gallery of paintings by Claire Wilson, Nate's paternal grandmother
Hymns of the Reformation REFORMATION DAY Hymns (composed between 1450-1650, found in the Trinity Hymnal)
The Farmer: A Parable about the Lord's Prayer Illustrated storybook for all ages.
BENIAH: Mighty Man of God Illustrated Children's book.
VIDEO: Homeschool on the Prairie (20 min., DVD, 2008)
VIDEO: 2010 Valentines Day Concert by the Nate Wilson Family
VIDEO:The Nativity Heist (33 min, DVD, 2010)
VIDEO: Benefit Concert for the Gypsy Roma Mission, August 2011 (Includes: Pachelbel Swing, Possum Song, and Shout to the Lord - ll min)
VIDEO: Around the World in 80 Seconds (2012, based in Jules Verne's novel.)
VIDEO: Wilson Family at 2012 Benefit Concert (Features: "Donald, Where's Your Trousers," "The Unicorn Song," and "This is My Father's World.")
VIDEO: Wilson Family performs "Screen Door on a Submarine" (2-minute excerpt from August 2013 concert at Ogden Bible Church)
I'm looking for a choir to record this song for me; can you help? Click here to see sheet music as graphic.
CHRISTMAS CAROLS - A SACRED LEGACY A collection of lyrics to over 50 of our favorite public-domain Christmas carols. Christmas Morning Traditions REMIX - After we released the Kansan Celts Christmas album, a friend who goes by the handle 7V3N created a hip-hop music track and a rap to go with Nate's puirt a beul chant about our family's Christmas traditions. We then brought in Jessie Brinson, one of Nate's pastor prayer partners, to record the rap! Listen on: SPOTIFY | YOUTUBE | APPLE | AMAZON | AUDIOMACK | TIDAL | DEEZER | QOBUZ
The Experience (1990)
Instrumentals (1992, being
Mission (1993, re-mastered digitally in 2017)
Holiness (1993, re-mastered digitally in 2017)
Psalms & Hymns (1994, re-mastered digitally in 2017)
Spiritual Songs (1994, re-mastered digitally in 2017)
Family Album (1995)
Lord's Prayer (1996)
Christmas (1997)
Sound & Meaning (1998)
No Rock (1999)
For The Kids (2000) Preview contents | Coming soon to online media.
Acoustic Midwifery (2001)
Lover (2007, re-released in 2021)
Preview Contents | Listen or purchase online.
Comfort & Joy (2008)
Kansan Celts (2012) View Album Info | YouTube | Spotify | Other online streaming services
Kansan Celts II (2016) View Album Info & lyrics | Listen/buy on Spotify or Other platforms.
Kansan Celts Christmas (2022) View Album Info | Download the music charts and lyrics! | Listen/buy on your favorite music streaming platform!
Christmas Morning Traditions REMIX Single
Whole Different Tune (Released Oct. 2023) The songs on this album were composed and sung by Grace Anne and accompanied by the family band. Listen on your favorite online platform.
Go to: Missions | Family | Periodicals
First Samuel (Completely revised and expanded in 2021 - adding a new translation by Nate with a textual analysis of half a dozen Greek versions, the Latin Vulgate, and the Hebrew Masoretic text and Dead Sea Scrolls. Also, see link below to Nate's sermon series on 1 Samuel.)
Second Samuel & First Chronicles (Completed in 2023 - Same as the 1 Samuel commentary, except that it includes less Greek version analysis and more Aramaic version analysis, and is laid out as sermons. The only hard copy of this book can be checked out from the Clark Memorial Libarary outside of Westcliffe, Colorado. It can, however, be downloaded in sections through the CTR church sermon website linked below.)
Psalms (see below)
Ezekiel - Online version | Order book.
Jonah - Online version | Order book.
Micah (see below)
Philippians - Online version | Order book
Hebrews (see below)
James (see below)
1st & 2nd Peter (see below)
First John (revised after 20 years!)
2nd & 3rd John (see below)
Jude (see below)
All but I Cor., Acts, and Romans have background instrumental music written by Christian artists.
Sound quality has been lowered in the samples below for faster downloading.
I Corinthians
For Christians Struggling With Assurance of Salvation Pastoral advice on navigating the doubts that arise from evangelistic preaching, from the Calvinistic doctrine of election, from Bible verses that speak of believing or seeking in vain, from Satan's accusations, and from wondering whether you have really repented and believed enough.
Gospel-Centered Living 9-part Sermon series on practical outworkings of the Gospel in the Christian's life (Maturity, Justification, Adoption, Law, Repentance, Sanctification, Outreach, Forgiveness, Humility, and Conflict Resolution). Audio improved October 2021.
Why do different Bibles say different things, and is that a problem? - A brief introduction to New Testament textual criticism and a defense of embracing the variety of Greek editions and English translations available today.
Principles for Observing the Sabbath as Christians - 14-page paper
The Functions of Deity: You May Be Surprised Who Your God Is! - Nate's book on apologetics! Now available on Kindle - and on Nook - and as a paperback!
Why do Christians worship on Sunday rather than Saturday? - Relevant Bible verses and an excerpt from Philip Schaff's History of Christianity published in 1910.
Video of Nate giving a devotional message on Isaiah 55 at the Kansas State Capitol about 5 minutes of video
Comparison of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the London Baptist Confession - The text of the two documents have been merged with their differences highlighted.
In Search of the First Thanksgiving - A sermon for the Thanksgiving holidays based on Leviticus 23.
What the Bible Says about Hell - All instances of Sheol, Hades, & Gehenna in the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible with Strong’s numbers for reference and three centuries of English translations.
He Descended into hell - Should we remove it from the Apostle's Creed?
Resurrection Eggs - Bible Prophecy and History Concerning Jesus’ Death & Resurrection
Resurrection Bible Study - all NT passages containing references to resurrection or raising the dead, organized topically.
What does it mean to worship? - a word study on the Biblical use of worship
Guitars in the Bible - How were stringed instruments used in the Bible? 2 pages of Bible texts.
Encounters With Jesus - a brief list of Bible accounts of what people did when they met Jesus; examples to us all!
Bible texts on the Trinity - Includes the Deity of Christ and person of the Holy Spirit
Is it Biblical to Seek Brokenness? - a survey of how the Bible uses this word.
The Bible and Baptism What is the Biblical way to administer baptism?
Baptism - What, Why, How, and Who: a follow-up on the above paper which presents the data in a more organized and succinct format.
The Baptism and Temptation of Christ If Jesus was sinless, why was He baptized?
The Essentials of the Kerygma What must we preach?
Gentiles and Jesus' Time Survey of the Gospels that shows Jesus' "time" relates to His death and also to His being glorified by Gentiles.
What Makes Christianity Unique? Jesus' claim to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life
The Immutability of God - God's nature as unchanging (a Bible study)
The Justice of God - God's nature as righteous (a Bible Study)
Worship under the Old Testament Monarchy - Lessons we can learn from the way they did church in the Old Testament.
What does it mean to PREACH? - the context of every occurance of the word "preach" in the Bible.
Sodom & Gomorrah: Archaeological evidence that God punishes sin
Levitical Sacrifices - a chart simply laying out the system.
Biblical Prophecy - What is it and what is it for?
American Presbyterians in the 19th Century and Beyond a one-page lecture outline by Nate
Ancient Church History Timeline - outlining events in every year from 100-600 AD.
Genesis 2:16-21 - The Covenant of Works & The Making of Woman - Translation and Commentary (pdf)
"A Call to Holiness" - 53 expositions on the entire book of Leviticus
"Lessons From The Life Of King Saul & Contemporaries" - 48 Sermons on First Samuel (June 2020 - November 2021)
"Lessons From The Life Of King David & Contemporaries" - 45 Sermons on Second Samuel (November 2021 - February 2023)
"Worshipping God From a Fallen World" - Expositions on Psalms 1-56 (Sermon series between 2014-2023)
Psalm 119: 1-8 - The Blessings of God's Law Click
here for a printable version of the notes (pdf) | Click Here for the audio version on
"A Call to Faith" - 98 Expositions on the Book of Isaiah
"Introducing Jesus" - 148 Expositions on the Gospel of Matthew
"A Call to Unity" - 62 Expositions on First Corinthians
2 Corinthians 8:1-5 - Remember the Poor - Learning from the Example of the Macedonian church's giving
Ephesians 1:11-23 - The privileged Status of the Church
- Sermon for Worship in the Park 2007, Manhattan, KS
Four E's in Ephesians: Eph. 1 - Exalting the Lord Jesus Christ Text
| Audio "Jesus Is Better" - 63 Expositions on the Epistle to the Hebrews
"A Message to Christians Everywhere" - 30 Sermons on First Peter
"Confident Christianity" - 16 Sermons on First John
"Love in Truth" - 3 Sermons on the Epistles of Second and Third John
"Step Up The Fight For The Faith" - 6 Sermons on The Epistle of Jude
Sangre De Cristo School for Biblical Studies - the best place to learn Greek and Hebrew! New Testament Greek language starter quizzes. Includes two quizzes, one for learning the Greek alphabet and one for learning beginning vocabulary. This is a 258KB zip file that you install in your computer. Instructions are included.
Concise Hebrew Vocabulary Learning Kit 2-page chart with quizes based on John Watt's list of Hebrew words used 300 or more times in the Bible.
Click here for information about Greek and Hebrew fonts used on this website.
Vocabulary List for Paige Kelley's Biblical Hebrew Text - pdf
Hebrew Vocabulary Flashcard templates for Paige Kelley's Biblical Hebrew Text (pdf)
Greek language learning exercises from the classic Machen text, New Testament Greek for Beginners - pdf Lessons 4-12 | Lessons 13-22
| Lessons 23-33.
20 Expositions on the book of Micah - (July 2024 - February 2025)
E's in Ephesians: Eph. 2 and 3 - Evangelizing the World Text
| Audio
E's in Ephesians: Eph. 4 - Equipping the Saints with the Bible Text
| Audio
Four E's in Ephesians: Eph. 5 and 6 - Encouraging Godly Households Text
"Wisdom From Above" - 14 Expositions on the Epistle of James
"Living In Light Of Christ's Return" - 11 Sermons on Second Peter
Using Biblical Languages when teaching Bible in English: 6-page seminar Nate gave to Bible teachers who had not studied Greek or Hebrew
Nate's Intro to New Testament Greek class is now available on video! Recorded in the process of students taking this class online via Zoom/Zoho during the year 2024. Contains 31 x 90-minute class sessions, based on Greshem Machen's New Testament Greek For Beginners textbook. Covers alphabet, commonly-used words, and fundamental rules of Grammar, as well as homework exercises and exegetical exercises from passages throughout the Greek Bible. Students who complete this course are able to read the Greek Bible and understand it with the help of an analytical Greek lexicon. Send us a SASE with an SD or micro-SD data card that has at least 20GB free on it (4GB if you want the audio without the video), and we'll send it back to you with the class recordings (as well as PDF's of the textbooks, handouts, and exams) loaded onto your card!
Go to: Missions | Family | Periodicals | Arts & Music
All The Earth - a study comparing the language of the Abrahamic Covenant with the Great Commission and its fulfillment in Revelation. (1-page PDF)
How to Pray for the world a brief survey of the teachings of Jesus and Paul
Why Must Christians Preach the Gospel? Scriptures outlining the lost state of mankind.
Motivations for Mission: Seven Biblical Bases for World Mission Web Version (html) | Brochure Version (pdf)
Laborers: Analysis of Matt. 9 and the Missionary force needed
Prepared for the Great Commission 5-page sermon showing how Jesus prepared His disciples to preach the Gospel to all the world and how He has likewise prepared us!
Avenues of Involvement in Mission (101 ways to participate in world mission) Click Here for PDF version of "Avenues" as a 1-page brochure.
How to Get involved in Missions By G.P.
Roles in World Mission--where do you fit?
Satan's Undoing A 10-minute Skit about about the role of prayer in missions - performed as a one-man drama by Josh Wilson.
World Christian Support Groups: A model for developing World Mission Vision & Action
Why Campus Revivals Spark Missionary Advance By J. Edwin Orr
The Funnel - a Strategic paradigm for Mission Mobilization
DATABASE of information for church mission emphasis leaders - an organized collection of resources reviewed in the Mission Mobilizer's E-zine between March 1995 and June 1998.
How do you lend to the poor? Check out The TentMaker Project's Micro Enterprise Development Through the Church
Geographic Timeline of the first 1500 years of Christian Mission (2-page PDF document)
Missionaries of the Early Church 13 Centuries of Christian missionary work with brief biographical sketches and maps
One-page history chart of Modern Mission (PDF document)
Second Era Expansion of Modern Christianity Pioneers on the growing edges of Christianity from the Mid 1800's to the mid 1900's - 2 pages of lecture notes by Nate.
The Westminster Standards on Missions 2 pages of relevant quotes from the confession and larger catechism
State of the World The Status of World Religions and Christian Missions at the outset of the 21st Century - 1 page.
Go to: Top | Periodicals | Arts & Music | Bible Studies
Background image is of Junko tracks in the snow on our front porch.