Nate Wilson Family Gathering 2021
The following recordings are not intended to be professional; they are real-life, complete with mistakes and the noises of grandchildren! We started each day with an impromptu music jam session (in which, unfortunately, the singers tended to stand further from the microphones than the instrumentalists, but perhaps you can sing along and make up for that!) followed by a message from one of our sons or sons-in-law. Each evening ended with Papa Nate's devotional reading. (Due to logistics, the devotional readings were not recorded live, but were recorded in a studio later.)
2. MESSAGE: Amos Wilson "A Biblical Response To Persecution" from Luke 14
3. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: "Christ The Fountain Of All Comfort" by Octavius Winslow
4. MUSIC: Los Pesces In El Rio - In The Stable - Masters In This Hall
5. MESSAGE: Beni Wilson Message on Giving from 2 Corinthians
6. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: Nate Wilson Reading "Beloved Yet Afflicted" by Charles Spurgeon
7. MUSIC: Patapan - Minuit Chretians - This Little Babe
8. MESSAGE: Peter Wilson "The Trustworthiness of God" from Proverbs 3
9. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: From "The Sick Man's Comfort Book" by Phillip Power
11. MESSAGE: Joshua Wilson "Rules vs. Standards: Ten Scriptures on Liberty"
12. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: Nate Wilson Reading "Be On The Alert" by Norm Wakefield
13. MUSIC: On To Bethlehem Town - Incarnation Carol - Coventry Carol - Lo How A Rose E'er Blooming
14. MESSAGE: Jacen Clapp "Gratefulness In Work" from Luke 3
15. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: "Inordinate Desires For Approval and Comfort" based on Tim & Kathy Keller's devotional book God's Wisdom For Navigating Life
16. MUSIC: Gloria from Haydn's Mass in A (Our whole family is singing with accompaniment from a recording of a Covenant College Chorale concert from 1987, and a little reverb was added to smooth out the sound.)
17. MESSAGE: Brian Zachary "Processing Injustice" from Psalm 37
18. PAPA's DEVOTIONAL READING: "Inordinate Desires For Power and Control" based on Tim & Kathy Keller's devotional book God's Wisdom For Navigating Life