MOVIE IDEAS - 15 minutes of our kids brainstorming on creating a new video. Hilarious if you know any of the Wilson kids - funny even if you don't!
In Memory Of... - 1-minute melodrama by Amos
The Holdup - 3-minute humorous Skit by Amos with Mark McAllister.
DETERMINATION - a 10-minute inspirational movie short directed, filmed, and produced by Peter Wilson.
The Day I was Crucified Amos took 1st place in his category in the 2013 Region V NCFCA tournament with this 10-minute drama which he wrote about the crucifixion from the perspective of the repentant thief.
Glen-Hammer - Amos and Peter (With Ken Lewis) perform a pipe and drum song that Amos composed for/at the 2012 Creative Life Conference Concert at Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs.
Kanga and Baby Roo come to the Forest - Amos and Peter perform one of A. A. Milne's childrens classics from Winnie-the-Pooh.
Maple Leaf Rag Shenanigans - The Nate Wilson Kids just having fun with special effects (2:45)..
Around the World in 80 Seconds (2012, based in Jules Verne's novel.)
Wilson Family Nativity Play 2012 - The Wilson Kids together with their Wilson cousins perform the nativity story at their Christmas 2012 family gathering. Original script by Amos; live quartet soundtrack arranged by Beni; directed by Peter.
Jake: Into the Amazon Indiana Jones-style screenplay written, acted, and filmed by the Wilson kids with some of their friends. - 23 min. (2011)
Pygmalion - Excerpt from George Bernard Shaw's play, Pygmalion, from which the movie, My Fair Lady, was made. In this drama short recorded at the NCFCA Nebraska 2012 Tournament Finals, Amos Wilson (age 17) plays Henry Higgins opposite Grace Anne Wilson (age 13) as Eliza Doolittle. (2012)
Henry V & Katherine - Beniah and GraceAnne Wilson act a couple of humorous excerpts from William Shakespeare's play, Henry V, in which the French queen Katherine tries to learn English, and the young English king comes in fresh from battle to try to win her hand in marriage. (2011)
The Pirate City - Amos and Peter Wilson act out a chapter of R.M. Ballentine's classic historical fiction novel on politics in Algeria in the early 1800's, where a happy-go-lucky jester wins the day - or dei, as the case may be. (2011)
The Nativity Heist - Amos Wilson stars as Detective Louie in a stakeout of the Wilson Home at Christmas. Written, directed and filmed by Peter Wilson. (2010)
The Butterfly that Stamped - Amos Wilson delivers a dramatized re-telling of Rudyard Kipling's Just-So story. "The Butterfly that Stamped" is a fanciful story about King Solomon and his many wives, and an instructive word about how to have a happy marriage. (2010)
Angelina Ballerina and Polka - A charming story from the Angelina Ballerina series dramatized by Grace and Irene Wilson, depicting a girl who gives away the doll her Grandpa had given her. (2010)
Neighboring - George Bascomb's Deep Creek Stories come to life as Josh and Beni Wilson portray Joel and Amos, two good ol' boys from Manhattan, KS who try to solve their neighbors' marriage problems and, as usual, find it a bit more of an adventure than they had reckoned. (2010)
The Duel - A quick dramatized swordfight between Amos and J.D. Ryals, created by Peter in 2010.
Cat and Dog Theology - 9.5 minute humorus and spiritual application speech by Josh, 2009.
Holding Buckskin Lake - Peter's dramatic telling of a chapter in his big brother Amos' book, opening a window into a boy's mind with imagination, adventure, sibling rivalry, and doing a man's job. (9 minutes, 2009)
The Pig Keeper - Dramatic re-telling by Grace of the classic princess tale of wisdom and folly by Hans Christian Anderson. (7 minutes, 2009)
The Fall of Freedom in East Germany and Lessons We Can Learn - 10.5 minute speech by Beni Wilson, 2009
The Roly Poly Pudding - A lively dramatization of Beatrix Potter's animal tale of adventure and mystery by Beni and Amos. 9 minutes, 2009.
Thee Too Towerz - a 10-minute spoof on the Lord of the Rings movies by Amos, Feb. 2009.
They Do Not Serve Your Gods - 11 minutes, 2004, Three children take a stand for their convictions on dress at a summer camp in this allegory on the story of Daniel.
Satan's Undoing - A 10-minute Skit about about the role of prayer in missions - performed as a one-man drama by Josh Wilson in January 2008.
The Princess and the Goblin - Beni gives a dramatic interpretation of a selection from one of George MacDonald's classic fairy tales (9 minutes, 2008).
Gun Control Speech - Beni gives an original speech where he compares the crime rates of gun free zones versus the crime rates where guns are required. This speech took fourth in its category at the Saint Louis NCFCA tournament in March 2008! (8 minutes)
Dinosaurs and Man - Josh gives an origial speech which raises evidence from archaeology, ancient literature, and modern biological science that dinosaurs and man may have coexisted. This speech took ninth in its category at the 2008 NCFCA Midwest Regional tournament! (10 minutes)
The Ear - Peter gives an original expository speech about the ear and hearing. This peice took first in its category at the 2008 NCFCA Junior Tournament in Springfield Missouri! (7 minutes)
Little Black Sambo - Grace gives a dramatic interpretation of a classic children's book from India. This won first place in its category at the 2008 NCFCA Junior Tournament in Topeka! (about 5 minutes long)
The Tiger, The Brahmin, and the Jackal - Peter gives a dramatic interpretation of a traditional Indian tale. This won first place in its category at the 2008 NCFCA Junior Tournament in Topeka! (about 5 minutes long)
Mouse over images (or look up alt text) for more information.
The next three samples below were created entirely on their own using a program called "Acid Style." This program produces rather intense, repetitive music that we wouldn't allow for a steady diet for children but it's fun in moderation.
Our son Amos' Gwambi Tetrology fantasy series.
Babies Are Cute An adorable booklet by Maggie Wilson (Age 6) and Clay Graber(Age 22)!
The Lover And The Liturgist Amos' latest poetry book.
* The Star Gods Are Angry - an ancient Greek hero's adventure, written by Beni Wilson, age 9.
* Our Trip to Mexico by Beni Wilson, May 2003.
* Spiritual Leadership by Josh Wilson, July 2003.
* My Birds by Grace Wilson, February 2006.
When I go out.
They call my name,
Inside and out.
* Translation and exegesis of Isaiah 46 by Josh, Beni, Amos, and Peter Wilson, May 2006.
* Future Freaks A Book In Progress By Amos and Beni
* Purim Play Script A 15-minute drama of the Book of Esther by Amos, Peter, and Beni
* The Bank Robbery A short story by Beni Wilson
* A Christian Death Poem by Beni Wilson, July 2008. * A Timely Sonnet By Beni Wilson, April 2005 * My City Adorable Children's book written and illustrated by Irene A Wilson, 2010. * God Can See Me - A spiritual lesson story for children by Grace Anne Wilson. c2009
* An Adventure of Sons and Brothers Youth Fiction by Peter Wilson, 2009. An animal story about being loyal to protect friends. Teaches Greek Bible vocabulary in the process! * The Adventures of Labby and Trappid: Thor's Breastplate Youth Fiction by Amos C. Wilson, 2009. Pirates, battles, faith, and romance - all with talking animals! * Orville Pig of Destiny - a short story by Amos C Wilson about the philosophy of the purpose of animals. c2009
Purchase a copy of Amos Wilson's book, The Revolt from Raindrop Forest, book one of the Buckskin Peak Revolution Series.
Purchase a copy of Amos Wilson's book, Holding Buckskin Lake, book two of the Buckskin Peak Revolution Series.
* Excerpt from Amos Wilson's 2009 book, Holding Buckskin Lake.
Purchase a copy of, Amos Wilson's book, Taking Hermet Valley, book three of the Buckskin Peak Revolution Series.
POEM: Simon of Cyrene By A.C. Wilson
He stumbles and tumbles there, in the mud, POEM: I Saw Him Bloodied, Twice By Amos Wilson (January 5, 2014)
I enter the grimy cave,
One can live for pleasure, but it fades;
If one seeks glories and fame
These fall soon after they are made.
"Does anything last?" Some ask.
Yes. Our souls will live forever.
When we die, they will live on
With God or under his anger.
The key to getting the first
Is in God's eternal writing
Jesus came to pay the price
With Him I live everlasting
First seconds then minutes and hours pass by.
Here I sit as time continues to climb,
I try to compose as the seconds fly.
A second is short; it has but one tick.
A minute is longer it has sixty.
An hour cant be said to be quite as quick,
Sixty minutes are in it I tell thee.
Four and twenty hours make for a good day.
Days make up months that in turn become years.
Ten years create a decade and they may
Make centuries as eternity nears.
And now as my pen strokes begin to cease,
I see I have created a masterpiece!
Purchase a copy of, Amos Wilson's book, From Treeline to Forest, book four of the Buckskin Peak Revolution Series.
His faces is bruised and smeared with blood.
His cross lands hard across his back,
I wince to hear his bones thus crack.
A violent hand then seized my arm.
Come, black dog, or feel some harm,
Lift up that cross and bear a part!
Thus forced, I do, indignant, start.
But as I stoop, His eyes meet mine,
They’re filled with only love divine.
Oh, my beloved, please bear my tree,
So I might make on high the Three.
Behind me hide, in judgment’s lee,
For I will take it all for thee.
Aye, gladly, Lord, when you go home,
Ill bear your cross from here to Rome.
The stench assails my nose,
I lean upon my stave,
And move into the glow,
Held by the care-worn man,
Over that holy scene,
The maid, the babe, the feed-stand
Stood in the straw unclean.
Blood mixed and saturated,
With lambs-filth in the straw,
Held this Divine incarnated.
Here lay Love in raw.
His mother lay like steel,
A smile bright, but pale,
We there before Him kneel,
His father strong and hale
His father on this earth,
Lowers his light to peer,
At this, the childs birth,
And sheds a grateful tear.
We knew why He was there,
We know just who He was.
The angels in the air,
Had told it all to us.
Yet hidden in the back,
The sheep eat straw, oblivious.
Poor hosts with little tact,
Ignore this baby glorious.
Yet to His sheep would He,
Give His new life to feed.
Who were those sheep, were we?
Owned by the Bread that bleeds?
I saw Him bloodied, twice,
Last on a tree so rough.
This Bread of Life, the Christ,
Served in a feeding-trough.For Amos' latest poems, go to: